Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time is an autonomous solvent
AFRAID> Dogs, darkness, lots of people (public), blah blah blah
HATERED> men kind, dad, speaking (social phobia), bbb~
Now, still, and always... I have list awaiting to be deal and overcome indeed.
kindness (it's a granted principle for the voices, they always die first!)
pride (I know Im not good, but I think Im fine, so don't try me.)
forgive the people who hurt me intentionally (@#%&*)
yellow eggs (wastage)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Four Generation
I couldn't remember when was the last time I had a deep look into any shoot (beside someone that I admired XD)... at least I get one this year. Maybe it's something I couldn't have.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Misc note
^ Too late... I've being exposure for quite some times(long enough to get infection) before I noticed "the notice" and shoot this pic. T_T
I was caught by dad in the midnight still browsing internet in my room, well he wasn't came for this. He did felt well and asked me to drive him to hospital.
After he refer to the examination room, I feel bored and had a long chat with an old friend that we meet at the front EU. Patients and relative passed by, but I didn't aware about H1N1 until a lady that comes with coughing.
I was freak out because this lady did not cover her mouth with anything at all, even with her pyjamas or hands. She kept coughing as she walk in. I do a flash screening, there is like 20 or 30 patient/relative over the waiting room. Oh~ no, I can't go there. So I decide to wait outside at the Ambulance parking area.
I enjoyed annoying people. 1.15am, after nearly one hour of waiting and feeding mosquitos, I start sending message to everyone, well, no body reply. So I start to making calls, didn't pick, didn't pick, didn't pick. Finally, Bong picked my call.
It was half pass one early in the morning, I'm expecting something bad in words. But I missed estimate, she didn't sound so at all. Sigh... This was the best part I addicted about her.
We had conversation for about 15 minutes before both of us are running out of words. I say, I can't hang(up the phone) you, she said, then I'll do... T_T
Dad came out soon after, so we went home. I'm tired but I can't sleep until 4 morning.
^ Patients kept coming to EU in the midnight. Healthcare professions are tough from every angle I could observed.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Journey to get a Torx screwdriver in size 6
Last month my elder brother, Jack received an used 5 megapixel Samsung cellphone from his boss. So I asked him, if he like to let go one of his SE cellphone, he said, "Let me think about it". Which I knew it means~ no way. Because I was familiar with his pattern (we lived together under one roof for two decades), so I came back to him again couple days later, smiled with my bling-bling eyes, "Jackkkk, I like that phonneeeee". I beged, but I don't actually expect anything, I just never gave up. He suprised me. "Okay, take it, just make sure you don't sell it".
Yaeh! It's mine now! Well I don't really sell my things if comparing to Jack himself. That just something that he use to say when everytime give something to me.
It was a SE K750i, Jack had used it for construction business for years. The casing was fully scratched, I decide to get it a new look of W800i(this 2 models share the same hardware structure).
How coincident that my friend BlueFish's sister worked with cellphone accessories supplier, so it only cost me Rm15 for the 95% original quality W800i casing. Market price was Rm70~90 with installation.
The night I get the casing, I can't hardy wait to put it on. But very soon I found out the tranformation process required me to get an extraordinary tools. Well, it was an ordinary SE cellphone tool, but for non regular participant like me... that was the terminology!
Okay. It was 6-point star-shaped pattern screwdriver, I owned one set, but I can't find it anywhere in the house. I remebered last time I bought 2 set, the extra set was given to Ivan to complete his Gumdams work. So I asked Ivan, "Do you still kept your Torx screwdriver?", unfortunately, this is what I get, "What was that? I can't recall that you have gave me any screwdriver."...
I've been looking every where in the town to find the screwdriver. The sized that used for the phone was 6, shortform T6. I found one in Supersave Store, but when I request to have a test, it wasn't suit, in fact, the whole set in lots of 5 or 6 are wrong labeled the size.
Although if I send the phone to the shop, it could be done by Rm15, but I really want to try myself. Finally, I decided to look on Ebay... so this is what I get
>>1x T6 Torx Screw Driver for Mobile / Cell Phone Repair
USD1.99 convert to Rm was like 7 ringgit plus-plus, and it shiped free.
For me it's expensive, because last time I bought the whole set with lots of 6 cost me only Rm2. But what can I do, there is no other alternative that I could see to be make... and when I'm just about to click the "buy it now" botton, I discovered a "best offer" button. wiew~~
So, here goes... negotiation started
14 June 6.14pm: sumitted My best offer USD1.31
15 June 9.35am: counter offer USD1.90 <<<<<<@#$%&
15 June 11.18am: sumitted again My Best offer USD1.50
15 June 11.20am: 2 minutes later >>Your invoice for eBay purchases: 1x T6 Torx Screw Driver for Mobile / Cell Phone Repair (260423196942#)
FW:Real Life Hanamichi Sakuragi of Slam Dunk Anime

I just know that Slam Dunk is based on the real life story of a student named "Sakuragi Hanamichi". It's his story and his life which then was made into a manga then an anime!
A student who joined the basketball club just for his girlfriend!
Hanamichi Sakuragi was born in 1968 in a family of the common working class. His mother passed away when he was very young, without the love of his mother he use the violence (out-on-the-street fights) to resolve his problems. As a young boy he was very tall at the age of 12 average 1.75 mts, and his body began to acquire force and a lot of resistance through his fights. Once he had a fight with the students in the sports zone of the University of Tokyo ; his abilities to fight, velocity and to and phycality they attracted the coach of the basketball team, and offered him to join the team.
In a party of practice, at the age of 17, against the National Team of Japan, Hanamichi of 1.89 mts, was the unique one that was not frightened by the professionals and noted 33 points alone: 10 shots, 3 nailed, 1 triple, 1 shot that did not find the terminology to explain, and 2 free shots.
Although its team lost with only 59 points (59 – 115), had been an excellent first game for Hanamichi.� Basketball was in chaos, and he was named “The Hope of the Japanese Basketball”. Nevertheless, its father fell sick a year later. Hanamichi went of return to Tokyo , and this trip would cost him all. He descended of the bus in Tokyo and he was on the verge of crossing the street across the hospital when a car that went very fast hit him . Although he had the “body of steel”, the impact simply was too strong. He collapsed, they carried him to the hospital. Unfortunately it was too late… before they sent him to the operating room died from internal hemorrhage, only with 18 years of age.
The World of the Japanese Basketball was completely destroyed, they called this loss “Colossal”. The mangaca Takehiko Inoue created its series” Slam Dunk” based on the history of this youth.
What a great lesson from Hanamichi Sakuragi~ NO FEARS!!!
Additional note for myself:
Being Fearless but not being rude, I think I've being a little over recently.
Friday, July 3, 2009
As she seems to be a holy Christian, I mentioned, “I think Christian has been practice this too.” In a flash, she had every thing concentrate here to me with an unbelievable facial expression. Her voice turned into a higher tone in the manner, “Where did you get that”? Im mute for a few second, it was hard to say but still I told her honesty, I read in a vegan book, though it was published by buddish society. The ghost of a smile played round her lips. “This is Bullshit!” There goes, Im totally out of words this time.
Yesterday I found this in wiki mentioned Christian vegetarianism inside the Topic of Vegetarianism. I just briefly read, but I post it for every Christian that has a doubt-ion with Christian vegetarianism. (P/s: for them who object that wiki has no fact base… okay, for that reason, you shouldn’t wiwi-kiki for rest of life.)